Friday, March 28, 2008


Just a quick update...  the very good news is that we made it to Atlanta.  The very bad news was they lost Skoobi at the Atlanta airport and no one knew where she was for four hours, and when they finally found her, it took another hour for me to get her.  Those four hours were beyond horrible, but she's sleeping here next to me quite content, so I'm very happy.  Happy would not have described me yesterday...

I'll post the whole story probably tomorrow when we get back to Ft Pierce.  Thank you so much for praying, and please continue to keep us in your prayers as we drive to Ft Pierce today.


Anonymous said...

I am so glad you are back together safely. I would have been furious with the airport if they lost my dog for 4 hours. How horrible.

James & I will be over in Ft Pierce Saturday, though I know you will be busy getting readjusted.


Anonymous said...

So thankful you made it safely to the States & that they found poor Skoobi! Hope things go smoother from here on in! Blessings, Gioia