Who doesn't love to climb a tree?
Dad and Chandler playing golf at Lion Country Safari. We had a really fun time down there, and I personally had a great time seeing all the animals. Feeding the giraffes was definitely my favorite part. Below are some more pictures of that trip plus a couple others. I'll post some more later this week. I can't believe Chandler leaves tomorrow!

This here monkey was all about the pose

This was my favorite monkey picture

It was raining and mom was being weird...

Every one loves a bongo drum

Feeding the giraffes was very cool. That was my favorite part.

But...Butt...Buttt... I mean Putt!!

Zebras are pretty cool too

This was my favorite zebra picture

Here's Chandler meditating. Oh wait! It's a monkey meditating - my mistake!

The baby giraffe was so stinking cute...

Any idea what kind of wildlife eggs these are? I think it's a very cool picture.

I can't remember what they are, but they are very pretty

I hate birds - especially ones with bigger feet than mine!

Lions are cool

Everyone wants a water buffalo...

This little guy was a doll... he just finished pee-peeing and was wagging himself dry... too cute.

I have a picture almost exactly like this of when Chandler was about three and my sweet Gimel is giving him a kiss just the same way... Skoobi and Chan got along very well, so we were all happy about that.

Chandler got to go fishing on a boat with both his grandpas - he caught the only fish, pictures above. Not so shabby :)
Tomorrow is my birthday and I can hardly wait to get my new set of golf clubs.....Tiger won't be able to make our round since he had surgery....Oh well next year.
Hello!! You got your birthday present on Father's Day, so stop trying to scam one off me!
the animals that you don't remember are oryx aka gemsbok... they taste DELICIOUS!!! and are one of the most majestic animals in the world!! ;)
Love ~G
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