So, there hasn't been a lot to update on since my trip to Bosnia. One thing I did decide to do was bathe the dog. Skoobi hasn't had a bath in probably four years. Now, that's not as gross as it sounds - I brush her almost every day, and I spot clean her as she needs it. Besides, if you were anywhere in the vicinity of the last bath she had, you'd recall it just isn't worth it. She puts up a fight like a mad dog, and even though she comes out clean, everything else around her becomes quite messy.
But again, I was bored, and I figured I should give her a good cleaning before her first plane ride. So four days ago, I bought the shampoo and I gave her a good scrubbing. She hated it, but we got through it. Two days ago she was outside playing as normal. I went to the door to check on her and here is what I saw:
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Randomness and that dog of mine...
She hasn't been that muddy in a long time. The phrase "death becomes her" crossed my mind, but sometimes you just have to shrug your shoulders, roll your eyes, and grab the dog brush :) So, that's what I did - I just gave her a good brushing and all was right with the world once again. I can't wait to get her to Florida and introduce her to the garden hose.
And I must thank Jana for fixing my computer. I went to put a blank dvd in the other day to back up my files, and the disk wouldn't go in - it was like something inside was blocking it. I tried a bunch of things with no success. I mentioned the problem on her blog and got an email saying "I can fix your computer!" I read the email and my initial thought was "How can I trust this if Donovan didn't know about it?" (No offense, Donovan - I just wasn't sure I could trust Mac advice if it didn't come from you! ). But I decided to go ahead and try it, and it worked! So, thank you for fixing my computer Jana!
Tomorrow I'm having people over for dinner,s o today is straightening the house and making some food. Then I need to plan a trip to Zagreb one day in the next week, and that's about it. I'll post some pictures of my dinner party later this week. Thanks for stopping by!
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Topics: Day to Day..., Skoobi
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I needed to feel was a good thing.
ah skoobi, still adorable muddy and all!
When we go bathe our dogs, there is always that period of time where the likelihood of them getting into a giant mess afterward is very high. The reason for this is because the dog realizes they don't smell natural anymore, so other dogs would be confused by their body odour and probably not pay any attention to them or something similar. Also, for hunting dogs, they think it's very important to mask their smell, but if they smell like humans and soap suds, the prey will be like "what the crap!" and run away. Thus, the hunting dog would roll in manure or some other natural scent to help mask their dogginess + humanm, therefore being able to hunt more effectively.
I think that Janelle just stole my smart feeling...
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