I spent last week in Bosnia - it was a great trip. I am so glad I was able to go and see my friends that I haven't seen in so long. Here is a bit of the trip at a glance...
I spent the first day with Janice, but I didn't get any pictures because we were going to meet up again but we failed. But we had fun playing games. We also hung out a bit with Joy and it was fun to see her as well.I was able to spend half a day with Miss Lina... We ate some yummy Turkish doner kebobs for brunch. I miss those. This actually was posed with the jogurt on the nose, but a few minutes before, she really did have an unknown jogurt dot on the nose :) We also did some shopping, which of course was a lot of fun.
Walking around downtown, we spotted these two guys on the rooftop - what was funny was that if you look at the guy on the right closely, you'll see he has a laptop. Where else are you going to see two guys on a roof with a laptop? Ok, probably other places as well, but it just struck us as really funny.
It was so much fun to go up the hill (in a taxi, mind you) to my first home and visit Slavica and Zdeno. As usual she had a nice lunch waiting for me, and it was just nice to hang out with them and catch up. She just had some kind of stomach surgery 10 days before me visiting so she seemed to be recovering well.
It's always good to see Zdeno... he always cracks me up. He hasn't been able to find work in over a year, so that is a huge bummer. But otherwise, things seem to be going well for him.
Wendy and I went out the dinner at the brewery, and you cannot tell from this picture, but it seriously is the best parking job ever. Up a curb and literally, a half an inch at most away from the light pole. We were both quite impressed - it was a pretty sweet parking job.
Donovan and Jocelyn came down from Visoko and picked me up in Sarajevo and we hung out for a bit there and then for coffee with Bruegger in Visoko before heading to Zenica. This picture was taken right after Donovan dumped Coke droplets on my camera. It was actually kind of funny. I guess it's not funny now because you kind of had to be there. In Zenica, I had dinner with Paula, Tiffany, and Beth. It was a blast.I miss them all so much. What crack-ups. I was so glad it worked out for all of us to get together.
I didn't know it, but there was a home group that night at Nedžada's house. It worked out perfectly for me to see Nedžada, Donata, Merlina, and Caca. They had no idea I was coming, so when Donata opened the door it was the first time I ever saw her perfectly speechless. Kind of fun for me :) It was really good to see all of them and to be a part of the small worship service. It was great to sing songs I know once again!Of course I saw Nela and Andrej. I can't believe he will start school in the fall. We had a really nice time catching up. It was hard to say good-bye once again. Saying goodbye was definitely the bad side of the trip.

Tiffany and I walked home from the restaurant, and after we were chatting for a couple hours, I realized ' "hmmm, I think I have a fever!" I didn't feel well most of that day, and sure enough, I had a slight fever. It broke in the night, and while I didn't feel great in the morning, I decided to take the bus back anyways. It wasn't so bad, but I was definitely glad to get home (to a very happy dog) and go to bed. I stayed in bed all day yesterday as well. I feel pretty much back to normal today, so I'm glad what ever I had didn't last.
So... there it is in a bit of a nutshell. It was so great to see people and to be where I feel at home. So much changed, but so much remained the same. I love Bosnia and all my friends there. I can't wait till my next visit...
I cannot even tell you homesick these pictures just made me. Seriously, I'm almost in tears. I've seen pictures and heard news but never so many that had to do with so many people and situations that were just a part of my life. I'm glad you got to go and wish more than anything I could have been there...
Great pics all around!!!
sweet... thanks for sharing... glad you weren't too sick too!!! :)
Love ~G
I had such a good time with you! Thanks for coming. Come again when you can! Glad to hear that you were okay after a day of rest. (Also, thanks for saying that I "look fabulous as usual." Wow. I could get used to hearing that.) hehe. hugs! Tiff
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