I know I haven't updated these last two weeks. It's still kind of strange being here knowing I'm staying. But it's been good hanging with the parents and just kind of relaxing and trying to figure out what's next.
I love having my clothes come out of the dryer. They are just so soft and clean and smell so good. It still takes e forever to go buy a (very expensive) gallon of milk. I just like wandering around the store and looking at things. I also love customer service here. Be it in person or on the phone, the worst customer service experience here is usually better than anything over there.
Of course, there are the things that I don't love... humidity. Is it possible to drown just by breathing? And it's only April! Ants... sugar ants, fire ants... ants! The lizard shock factor... the little booger jumped out at me in the bathroom. There is a baby lizard in my bedroom. I told him he could stay as long as he didn't jump on me.
Skoobi and the cat... oil and vinegar have a better chance of blending harmoniously. But we're sharing the house between them. It's interesting - we'll leave it at that. Took Skoobi to the vet and she passed everything with flying colors (except for getting along with the other dog in the the waiting room). I like the vet. They also have a boarding kennel and so we're trying that out next week.
The 'big' news is I bought a car. I usually wouldn't put pictures of it on my blog, but I know people overseas will want to see it and it's just easier than emailing everyone. It's weird because I've always paid cash for my cars, but now I have payments. I'm committed to paying it off early so we'll see how it goes.
Below are some pictures - enjoy!
Skoobi is happy being outside. We're buying a fence to put up for here, so for now she's chained up and someone has to be with her outside 1) so she doesn't terrorize people (she is a bit territorial, you know) and 2) so no stray dogs get her. We've had scary strays in the past and so I worry about her being attacked. But mom said we haven't had any in a while, so hopefully things will be ok. But I don't leave her outside alone.

I need to name the car something, but I don't know what yet. I thought about Lance, but that's kind of obvious... any suggestions, let me know!
Lancelot? (a little bit more panache?) Nice wheels!
very cool... so what are the mpgs??? I drove a car in the carolinas that was 40mpgs and it was amazing... it was just a regular economy car... not a hybrid or anything. if I didn't live in the arctic north & need 4wd I would so buy a car with better gas mileage... :)
Love ~G
i think you should all it marshmellow since it's white and kinda big:)
Is it going to be a girl car or a boy car? Cause I am thinking of Mitzi...
Congrats on the purchase!!! Skoobi seems to love the car already!
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