Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Skoobi the Explorer

I'm currently in Orlando for a few days, but before I came up I took Skoobi to the river by my house. She's never seen a big body of water before, and so I was curious how she would react. I don't have the funniest reactions recorded, but this should give you a decent idea...

The lapping of water is apparently not a soothing noise for my dog... She got a little better after a while. I'm really wondering how she'll react when we finally get her to the beach!


Angelina said...

a goober! so many news things to take in in a very short amount of time!

Jackie said...

I think once she gets to know what water is, you'll never get her out of it! That's when the real fun will begin!!! And you will be perpetually soaked! :)

Anonymous said...

You never took Skoobi to Drava river? :)

Lotsa luv from Slovenia.