Monday, October 29, 2007


I thought I'd post some pictures for you. It's all kind of random, but pictures are always fun.

The tree is close to Anita's apartment building. I haven't seen much fall color being stuck in town, but this tree was pretty. I was in front of a store when I initially stopped to take the picture. I moved so people in the store wouldn't think I was weird for taking a picture of a tree. I didn't realize when I moved forward five steps that I was in front of a tinted window to a very crowded cafe. You can't win them all.

Anita's birthday was last Monday. She actually made that cake. It's just funny because the last few times I've eaten things over Anita's, her mom made the food and Anita warmed it up - which is totally fine of course, but it took a little convincing for me to actually believe she made her own birthday cake. It was really good, by the way, with chocolate and pureed chestnuts. Really, really good.

I take way too many pictures of Skoobi, but how cute is she here just sleeping the long, dark, cold, rainy day away?

I love eggs in the morning, and usually have at least one egg a day (except for tomorrow since even though I went to the store twice today, I forgot to buy eggs), and this is the second time I had a double yolk from one egg since I've moved over here. I just think it's so cool. I've been told by more than one person that means I'll have twins... so since it's happened to me twice, does that mean I'll have quads? Shudder... But even before I knew about the double yolk/twins thing I had a dream I had twins, and another that I had triplets. Shudder again...

Karin was our speaker at the women's tea this past Saturday. She gave a very moving account of God's love and grace in her life, and as she told her story she stopped and played songs on her cello and sang. Yes, I know that's not a cello, it's the litte itty-bitty guitar thing she used for one of the songs. It was really a nice evening.

Here I am with Ana and Sanja. Sanja is my language teacher... all of my language teachers have been so incredibly beautiful... Amra in Sarajevo, Donata in Zenica, and now Sanja in Varazdin. It's a fascinating trend. Sanja ia Ana's cousin, and I am so glad Ana introduced us. Sanja is great and comes over my house for a few hours a couple times a week. She came to the women's tea this past Saturday (where we took the picture), and is looking forward to the next one. She is hoping her mom can come next time. I hope so, too.

And here is a face shot of me and Sanja. I'm getting pretty good at those self portraits. I was showing Sanja the pictures on my camera and she was really laughing. When it gets dark before five (we changed our clocks back this past Saturday) and it's cold and dark and rainy and I have no desire to go out to town alone, I take pictures of stupid thing in my house trying to make them look cool. I even took a picture of my tonsils - I was actually impressed it worked. And no, I won't be posting that picture :)

Well, I must cook dinner. Hahahahaha... let me rephrase - I must open a can of chickpeas and mash them and pretend I'm Greek as I eat my poor yet tasty excuse for hummus. It's my last can of chickpeas. That's very close to tragic. Ok, not really, but I'm really into smashing chickpeas. OH! and I found frozen turkeys today at the store. I don't know how long they will stay in the freezer. I'm having a small group over for Thanksgiving, and I want to make sure I get one, but I couldn't buy it and carry it 30 minutes home with everything else I was buying. Hopefully it will be there next time.

OK, well, there you go... have fun - drop a comment if you can...


germaine said...

twins... triplets... is there someone that you've been hiding from me??

and just so you know... you and Sanja have very similar facial features... :)

Love ~G

Jana said...

I like pictures.

The story about taking the tree picture is funny.

You take way too many pictures of your dog.

I love your dog.

I'll babysit your kids.

(but not for free!)

Jackie said...

I am very interested in seeing the tonsils picture! Haha! Save that for a rainy, rainy day!

Anonymous said...

I'm going to curse the comments again--whenever I leave one, all conversation suddenly stops.

I think you're very resourceful for making your own hummus! I like spicy hummus with a hint of citrus. And I like Karin's tiny guitar (guitar-ette?). If I'd had one of those, I could've played a lot more chords than my dorky hands could manage on a regular one.

Is Halloween celebrated where you are? I never know if that's universal or just something we cooked up here to sell more sugar. :-)

LeAnne said...

I added some tobasco to my hummus today... do you have your own recipe?

No halloween here, just ots of candles at the graves :)

Anonymous said...

OK, so I typed a huge entry with a recipe for hummus and everything and poof! It vanishes...dadgum, God's telling me to get back to work.