Saturday, December 15, 2007

A real pain in the mouth...

Why do I love laptops? Here I am working (doing paperwork for my church, writing emails, posting on my blog) and I'm still in bed at 3pm. OK, technically I'm not still in bed, but I am bundled up under the covers while I work! I think yesterday and today have been the coldest days yet this year. The low this morning was about 25 and the high 32. Yesterday was the same. It snowed yesterday and just started again about a half hour or so ago.

I just got up to let Skoobi out for a few minutes, and made some slightly warm coffee for myself. Why only slightly warm when the house is kind of cool and it's snowing outside? Well, yesterday evening Anita and I went out to do some shopping. We met in town and it was cold and a bit snowy (but thankfully there was no ice on the sidewalks - I followed a sidewalk plower/salter home. I'm smart like that sometimes). We went to a couple stores and I was so bummed because I took my most awesome glove off to check my cell phone and a few seconds later, I realized I didn't put the glove back on and it was gone! We retraced our steps three times, and no glove. I was so bummed. Not only were they the warmest gloves ever, they were a gift from one of my best friends. That sucks.

But otherwise it was a nice time out. How does this tie into slightly warm coffee? I'm getting there... So on the way home, I was still bummed about the glove. I had older ones with me, but they didn't really work, so walking home, my hands got really cold. I stopped by the store near my house to buy something warm and easy for dinner. I decided to make fake pizza. I bought some bread and cheese, and when I got home, I put spaghetti sauce on the bread along with the cheese and shoved it in the oven.

Then I was happy because I checked my email and I had a message from Itunes telling me the newest episode of Survivor was ready to download - Yes! So I started to download it while I got ready for bed and the pizza was cooking. I talked to my friend on-line while the pizza was to finish and the episode to download. Then the download was complete and I got the pizza out of the oven and snuggled into bed with the dog and the pizza and hit play on the computer...

So Survivor starts and I'm so thankful for a warm bed and hot pizza...well, the pizza was really really hot. I just bit right into it and - OW! It was so hot! I'm spitting out pizza and guzzling milk, missing the first few seconds of Survivor. So I wait a few minutes for the pizza to cool, and take another bite. Apparently I didn't wait long enough... Aargh! I have a huge blister on my tongue and another on the roof of my mouth. So I can't even eat anything fairly warm without being in a lot of pain.

OK, so that was a long boring story - here is another one. I heard a bunch of dogs barking last night. So did Skoobi. She wasn't happy to not have been invited to the party. But they eventually went away and we went back to bed. I got up about 7 and was going to turn the heat on and let the dog out, but I popped open my email window first to let it download. Well, as I'm standing there, I swear I hear a dog crying. I look at Skoobi and she's snoring, not crying. So I listen, and I hear it again. I go to the window, look out, and there is a dog in my yard! My yard is totally gated - I have no idea how this dog got into the yard!

Well, I can't let Skoobi out until I get the dog out of the yard. So I get semi-dressed (it is 25 degrees outside mind you) and go outside. Skoobi is inside crying and whining her head off. I go into the yard - no dog. So now I'm really confused. I know there was a dog in the yard, and I have got to figure out how it got there. Well, then I see it - in the neighbors yard! I'm thinking "What the heck?! The dog is obviously stressed and looking for a way out. So in my pajamas (because we all know I can't leave a dog in distress) I unlock my gate, walk down the icy sidewalk to my next door neighbor's gate to see if I can let the dog out. I didn't even know if I could open the neighbor's gate, but turns out they don't lock the gate so I opened it quietly and tried to coax the dog out. The dog iwas terrified and wouldn't come to me.

So, I open the gate a little and leave a doggie treat by the door, hoping he would just come out on his own. So I walk to my gate and turn around and see the pup trotting off down the street. Poor guy. Hopefully he found his way home.

So I come in my house and let my mutt out. She proceeds to go crazy cause she smells the dog scent in the yard. I'm searching all over the yard trying to figure out how the dog got in and out. I think he squeezed through the big gate sometime last night, and then I found where he went under the fence into the neighbors yard. Skoobi can't do either, she's too big, so I'm glad there isn't a gapping hole somewhere I didn't see where Skoobi could escape. Sigh... a day in the life.

One other thing about shopping with Anita is I was able to buy Skoobi some Christmas presents for really cheap - woohoo! She needed some new inside toys and I got three for only about six bucks - not so bad! They are all wrapped and under the tree. She'll be so excited :)

Well, there you go... a long and boring blog post. Sometimes life's like that. It's nice to have a boring day every once in a while to catch up with paperwork and email and write on the blog :) Now I think I'm going to go outside and stick some snow in my mouth - even slightly warm coffee is painful!

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