Ok, so I just did another stupid thing. No, I didn't tell my neighbor I loved some other vegetable :) I was going to blog about spiders. I hate spiders. Growing up, my dad said there were three kinds of screams 1) the bug scream, 2) the roach scream, and 3) the spider scream. You see, even though my parents have now lived in the same house for 30 years, way back in the day when they bought it, the people before us raised spiders. OK, the thought of that makes me want to vomit. But anyways, we used to have these HUGE nasty black HUGE spiders just come out of no where in the house (insert full-body-convulsion shake here). And even 30 years later, every once in a while, one still crawls out of the wood-work (no wonder I moved half-way around the world!).
Back to the stupid thing. Yesterday there was a well-sized spider in my bedroom. Not just in my bedroom... it was on my bed! I soaked my sheets with Raid. But I overcame the heebie-jeebies and slept ok last night considering the tingling sensations that woke me up a couple of times through out the night. Eeeeeeeek. So, today I was in there hanging some clothes when another freaking spider crawled out from under the bed! Thank God I had my Swiffer mop thing right there and I was able to crushed him before he actually touched me (insert another full-body-convulsion shake here). So, then I proceed to finish off the can of Raid by spraying under the bed, the curtains, the window pane and even the glass, the bottom of the closet, behind the closet, in the corners... how sad that I would rather poison my self with... poison... then to deal with spiders. Oh, I hate spiders...
I haven't even GOT to the stupid thing I did... so here it is. As I sat down to write this post, I thought it would be "fun" to find a picture of a spider to put with it. So I googled "spider" and then clicked the "image" button. Goooooooooodness - what was I thinking?? Do you know what kind of images popped up on my computer? SPIDERS!! Lots of scary spiders in bathrooms, and on people, and really really big ones... that's what nightmares are made of!
So now I need to go watch something pleasant on TV or something to get those spider images out of my mind or I seriously won't go to sleep tonight. Maybe I should go rent "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes" :) Oh, and by the way, thanks for all the tomato recipes!! I'll be making some of them tomorrow in-between putting netting up on all my windows, stuffing every crack and hole that may possibly lead to the outside with something, and then spraying it all really well with Raid... "Diar" is "raiD" spelled backwards...
Monday, August 27, 2007
"Redips" is "spideR" spelled backwards... I'll never double-dip again...
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Topics: Day to Day..., Ponderings
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On the 2004 trip to Namibia there was this girl, let's call her Lisa, she was and still is deathly afraid of spiders (me... I just think they all must die) there were many funny episodes... well, one night she was quoting scripture at a spider "I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS ME"... another morning I was woken up to "GERMAINE, GERMAINE!!! THERE'S A SCORPIAN IN THE BATHROOM!!!" I said "are you sure it's a scorpian??" "Well, it's either a big huge scarey spider or a small scarey scorpian..." it was a scorpian... and I thought they hibernate in winter....
Love ~G
Go watch the movie, "Ratatouille".
:-) Thanks for stopping by my site. Feel free to print that list on bitterness.
sorry i missed it. should i buy you "8 Legged Freaks" for christmas?
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