My newest problem looks pretty cool spelled backwards - actually looks kind of Slavic, a bit more on the Polish side. And I don't really know why I'm suddenly spelling things backwards. Can you develop OCD later in life? Or maybe it's just a denial of reality... would I rather deal with stekcaj wolley or with yellow jackets?
So I seem to have a colony of yellow jackets living in my house. Yes, that would be IN my house. Apparently they are living between the outside wall and the inside wall of my living room, and are finding their way into the living room through little cracks and such. I've just come to this realization in the last 24 hours, so it's all just kind of sinking in. I have the living room shut up tight, and got a number to call a bug person in the morning. Problem is I need to get into the living room to pull out a few things and to set the VCR to tape my favorite TV show tonight. I'm hoping a friend will be able to come over later and "cover me" with a can of Raid while I run in, grab the stuff and set up the VCR. I know you must be thinking I'm nuts to want to set-up the TV, but it's the series finally tonight and the show isn't on till 2am. Heck, I'm a quick draw with the remote. I can be in and out in 30 seconds flat :)
I know the yellow jackets aren't a huge deal (ok, they can potentially be a huge deal, and I don't want me or Skoobi to get hurt), but it really has me down. It's one of those things where you're tottering on the fence - if you fall one way, you burst into laughter. You fall the other way, you burst into tears. And I guess it's not just the yellow jackets... did you even have one of those days where you wake up and you just know it's going to be a great day? The sun is shining, you're rested, everything is great. The five minutes into the day you stub your toe... five minutes later you burn your hand on a pan, 10 minutes later the dog is fighting with a cat, an hour later you get a phone call and your late for a meeting you didn't know you had, then you get an email with bad news... I woke up bright and cheery Sunday morning, and ever since it's just been one thing after the other. Nothing in and of itself is particularly horrible, but now I'm just tired and not so cheerful.
I am thankful that the YJs stayed outside till Jim and Carole left. I'm thankful I can close off that room. I'm thankful I finally bought a freezer yesterday. And I suppose I'm even thankful for the new bag of about 20 tomatoes my neighbor just gave me :) And I'm thankful for all the tomato recipes (and now to have a freezer to put all my creations in). So, I know overall, life is pretty good. Well, I know in my head that life is pretty good. I just have to figure out why my heart won't believe it.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
stekcaj wolley
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Topics: Day to Day..., Life..., Ponderings
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shouldn't have wasted all the raid on the spiders... ;-P
Love ~G
We had an invasion of ants yesterday so it must be going around. John is almost pathological in his hatred of ants--he thinks they're potentially dangerous. Well, uh, yeah if you cover yourself in honey and lie down in 'em, I guess...
Anyway, he vacuums them up because he says he likes to think about their dying screams. They were coming in through a hole in the baseboard and finally he went out to buy another can of Raid and left me with the vacuum nozzle and instructions to hose them up every two minutes. I had to frickin' stand there with the vacuum until he got back from the store!
I say yellow jackets are way cooler than ants and you have real justification for going after them. I wonder if a vacuum cleaner would work...
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